To donate & sponsorship

private to donate
The giving multiplier will apply for the next five years, which means that your donation as a private person 125% deductible of your income before income tax. This makes giving extra attractive and affordable. In addition, Jori Hermsen Productions has an ANBI status, which makes us eligible for exemption from gift tax and inheritance tax. That recognition is also important to you. For income tax (IB) you can only get a donation deduction for donations to an institution that has a decision from the tax authorities.
You can become a friend from €50 per year . In return you will receive a friend card with access to various discounts and promotions.
donate as a company
The giving multiplier will apply for the next five years, which means that your gift as a company to culture 150% deductible of your income before income tax. This makes giving extra attractive and affordable. In addition, Jori Hermsen Productions has an ANBI status, which makes us eligible for exemption from gift tax and inheritance tax. That recognition is also important to you. For income tax (IB) you can only get a donation deduction for donations to an institution that has a decision from the tax authorities.
You become company friend of Jori Hermsen productions from € 150 per year . In return you will receive a friend card with access to various discounts and promotions. In consultation, a logo or name can also be placed.
In addition to donations, Jori Hermsen Productions is always looking for sponsors who want to make a material contribution . Think of: rehearsal space, storage, decor, transport, etc. In consultation, a logo or name can be placed here.
questions/comments or suggestions? Mail to info@jorihermsen.nl