The Bushes
The past is not dead. It's alive, it's happening in the back of my head .
JHPYoung in collaboration with the Naturally Uitermeer foundation
On the day that the Russian cosmonaut Gagarin makes his space flight, a hole appears in the fence to the bushes where it is not allowed to play. A group of young adults look back on a childhood moment when one of them suddenly disappeared. They try to find out what happened in the bushes that day.
Directed by Jori Hermsen, De Bosjes is a musical and fairytale thriller. With a cast of eleven young people and a crew of young professionals, JHPjong creates a poetic and moving location performance about losing innocence and coping with loss.
Norwegian writer Jesper Helle won with the text De Bosjes (Lilleskogen) in 2001 de Wilhelm Hansen Fondens Nordic playwright award 2001 and in 2004 the Hedda Award.
Play dates
premiere thursday 24 May 20.30
Friday 25 May 2018 20.30
z aterdag May 26, 2018 20:30
sunday 27 may 2018 20.30
friday june 1 2018 20.30
Saturday 2 June 2018 20.30
Text Jesper Halle
Translation Tom Kleijn
Direction, scenography & production Jori Hermsen
Directional assistance & technique Brian Verhagen
costumes Jessica Zeylmaker
Dramaturgy Melissa Knollenburg
Vocal coaching Rosalinde Nierop
Game Andre Dashorst, Esrah van Emde Boas, Kiara Dispa, Maud Wabeke, Mendel van der Ploeg, Merijn Trimbos, Mertijn Wien, Milla Kamstra, Ovide van der Vlist, Paula Wabeke, Rajja Gomez Iglesias and Sophie Anna Veelenturf.
Photography and graphic design Mascha Hendriks
Teaser Guillaume Versteeg/G3bstudios
Thanks to Manda Productions and all our volunteers.
ticket sales
Fort Uitermeer, Extremely 5, 1381 HP, Weesp

foto: Mascha Hendriks

foto: Mascha Hendriks

foto: Mascha Hendriks

foto: Mascha Hendriks

foto: Mascha Hendriks

foto: Mascha Hendriks

foto: Mascha Hendriks